Monday, October 6, 2008

Race For the Cure

This weekend I ran in the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure 5k. This was my first 5k run since July 4th, so I really wasn't sure how fast I could go. I have been focusing on distance not speed. Kim was doing the 1 mile walk with a couple of her friends. We got there about 15 minutes before the race started since the street we were on was closed and we had to walk a ways. There were a LOT more people than I thought would be there. I heard there were over 15,000 people out doing the walk and run. I made my way up to the very front of the huge pack so I wouldn't have to dodge people the whole way.

The gun went off and we all took off in what felt like a sprint. Probably because we were. My heart rate about a mile in was 190 beats per minute. My max is about 208, so I was redlining it and stayed right there the whole time. I just tried to keep going and only thought about how I was a quarter done, half done, etc and just ignore the pain. We turned the last corner and saw the finish line and I was at about 21 minutes. I started into my last sprint kick and crossed the line in 21:54, a new record for me by about 30 seconds. I felt like I was going to throw up, but it was the good feeling. I got some water and met up with Kims friends and headed back home to relax and watch some football.

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